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Sunday 25 November 2012

Outside my Window!

I spend sometime daily looking outside the window, it gives immense pleasure seeing outside, it makes me happy & it makes me sad, near my window there is a grave yard, a big gutter which flows like a river, i see birds flying and near by children's are playing. As the time changes the scene outside my window changes, cool breeze, Sun,  Clouds, Stars, Moon all makes me happy, there is a hide and seek between light and darkness, I feel things outside my window gives me a message.

Here are few lines dedicated to a friend & to those people who cherish seeing outside the window, thinking inside!

Inspired by Sara Buxton's 'Out side my window'.

Outside my Window:

Outside my window world seems so bright,
Outside my window things seem so right,
It makes me happy, it makes me cry,
I don’t know why, I feel like a child,
I see the birds which flies so high,
I see the sun, I see the star, I see the moon,
This makes me happy, this makes me smile.
Outside my window, outside my window,
World is so wide, things seem sooo bright..!!

Kids are playing in the street, seeing them worries fleet,
Flowing river & the breeze, gives a message ‘don’t retreat’!
Peeping outside is a treat, I am happy doing this,
Outside my window world seems so bright,
Outside my window things seem sooo right..!!

Outside my window when it’s so quite,
Outside my window when there is no light,
It makes me dull, it makes me cry,
I don’t know why, I feel like a child,
I wanna run, I wanna hide,
I don’t know where, I m scared,
This makes me think, this makes me sad,
Outside my window, outside my window,
World seems so creepy, things seem sooo spooky..!!

Baby is playing here somewhere,
People are crying near the grave, 
Outside my window there is some plight,
Outside my window there is some light,
Life is so mortal, enjoy this fair,
Heart is so brittle, handle with care,
Good and bad things here rotates,
Good and bad things here rotates!
Outside my window, outside my window,
Outside my window, outside my window..!!

By, Infotainment Guru
(#PMH) (#PMH_lastlines)

Nothing can make us happy and nothing can make us cry, enemy is within us, so as the happiness!!

Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.

-Angelina Jolie 

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity. 

-Herbert Hoover 

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