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Monday 24 September 2012



Marketing using commercial adds has gone way beyond reality, sometime we find commercials to be senseless, very stupid & very funny if we peep into them properly. Just see fairness cream or face wash Adds on a TV, Adds starts with model (most of the time female models, because 90% gals are worried about looks) who is dark and she is covering her body and face to rim, so reluctant to show her face due to her worry about her external look. Soon a friend (whiter than the main model) comes and advises her to try brand 'Y' cream/face wash for a week, our main model has no faith still forcefully accepts to try it out and after a week she comes out in nice modern dress, outfit has changed so as the FACE & its charm, model looks as white as EGG shell or a newly painted home(with white distemper) and her fairness beats her friends charm who had advised her to use the product(but both had used same cream yet there is appealing difference), now if you see our main model carefully, we see that along with face other parts of the body is as fair as the face...Wow!! Message is like apply cream to face and you see its fairness effect so deeeep all over the body, sooo Nice!! You paid for one product (face wash/fairness Cream), applied to face and it has bleached entire body :P

Most funny thing is only the main model gets attention, applause, fame in Add(after using the cream) not the other gal who advised her and just think what if every gal uses those creams then all gals should have been either an air hostess or a model or a heroine, no gal would be a maid servant or  a home maker or a conductor in bus or a scientist, Thank god!! still few gals are spared, so we have few them other fields!!
But i wonder why any creams and face wash can't work on dark person? Why don't we see a relatively dark model in our Adds? Why these strategies won't work in Africa or even in some parts of Asia?! 

There are many more funny Adds which are away from reality yet captivates viewers and impress them to an extent that without using that brand they miss something! Those who are well educated makes Adds and so called civilized, scientific and modern educated men and women fall prey for the Adds.. Cool!!

BTW coming back to loop holes in modern day commercials or Adds which miss guides common man, we can see many more senseless Add themes. Keep an eye on soft drinks Adds, the top actress, models wont even take a sip of the soft drink but they pose nicely, just watch the fluid content/level in the transparent bottle it wont decrease even after main model takes sip after sip.. Most of the soft drinks are unfit to drink, Damn! its true that only side actors takes a sip and the main model skip the sip!!

The gist of all Adds seems to be skin show and glamorization of each film to its core and hide the truth, there may not be any link between the head and tail of the commercials theme and the product they are marketing.

Now washing powders and the cleansing agents will have real lime content, bathing soaps have natural milk, Neem, Rose and Sandal content but our soft drinks and food items will have artificial contents, essence not a natural fruit/vegetable content.. Our shampoos have real milk proteins and our health drinks have milk powder like content or artificially added nutrients, vitamins.


There are many good commercials even now, which are funny, creative or have a scientific approach in depicting the theme to product user or has a different thought process involved and few of them are very informative. All the commercials are not bad and at the same time all are not good. We should know what to accept, what is real and what is not, nothing is perfect..!! At times what is good and what is near to truth & informative is not greeted by majority :D

Many more marketing strategies are there to discuss but let i keep this post short.. Catch you next time!

This blog by a Morosoph is dedicated to other Morosoph ;-) Chillax and Enjoy madi!!

Quotes on Adds:

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need. 
Will Rogers 

Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.
F. Scott Fitzgerald 
Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise it. 
Will Rogers 

Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
George Santayana 

-By, Infotainment Guru
#PMH, #Pmh_lastlines

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