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Sunday, 25 November 2012

Outside my Window!

I spend sometime daily looking outside the window, it gives immense pleasure seeing outside, it makes me happy & it makes me sad, near my window there is a grave yard, a big gutter which flows like a river, i see birds flying and near by children's are playing. As the time changes the scene outside my window changes, cool breeze, Sun,  Clouds, Stars, Moon all makes me happy, there is a hide and seek between light and darkness, I feel things outside my window gives me a message.

Here are few lines dedicated to a friend & to those people who cherish seeing outside the window, thinking inside!

Inspired by Sara Buxton's 'Out side my window'.

Outside my Window:

Outside my window world seems so bright,
Outside my window things seem so right,
It makes me happy, it makes me cry,
I don’t know why, I feel like a child,
I see the birds which flies so high,
I see the sun, I see the star, I see the moon,
This makes me happy, this makes me smile.
Outside my window, outside my window,
World is so wide, things seem sooo bright..!!

Kids are playing in the street, seeing them worries fleet,
Flowing river & the breeze, gives a message ‘don’t retreat’!
Peeping outside is a treat, I am happy doing this,
Outside my window world seems so bright,
Outside my window things seem sooo right..!!

Outside my window when it’s so quite,
Outside my window when there is no light,
It makes me dull, it makes me cry,
I don’t know why, I feel like a child,
I wanna run, I wanna hide,
I don’t know where, I m scared,
This makes me think, this makes me sad,
Outside my window, outside my window,
World seems so creepy, things seem sooo spooky..!!

Baby is playing here somewhere,
People are crying near the grave, 
Outside my window there is some plight,
Outside my window there is some light,
Life is so mortal, enjoy this fair,
Heart is so brittle, handle with care,
Good and bad things here rotates,
Good and bad things here rotates!
Outside my window, outside my window,
Outside my window, outside my window..!!

By, Infotainment Guru
(#PMH) (#PMH_lastlines)

Nothing can make us happy and nothing can make us cry, enemy is within us, so as the happiness!!

Where ever I am I always find myself looking out the window wishing I was somewhere else.

-Angelina Jolie 

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity. 

-Herbert Hoover 

Monday, 24 September 2012



Marketing using commercial adds has gone way beyond reality, sometime we find commercials to be senseless, very stupid & very funny if we peep into them properly. Just see fairness cream or face wash Adds on a TV, Adds starts with model (most of the time female models, because 90% gals are worried about looks) who is dark and she is covering her body and face to rim, so reluctant to show her face due to her worry about her external look. Soon a friend (whiter than the main model) comes and advises her to try brand 'Y' cream/face wash for a week, our main model has no faith still forcefully accepts to try it out and after a week she comes out in nice modern dress, outfit has changed so as the FACE & its charm, model looks as white as EGG shell or a newly painted home(with white distemper) and her fairness beats her friends charm who had advised her to use the product(but both had used same cream yet there is appealing difference), now if you see our main model carefully, we see that along with face other parts of the body is as fair as the face...Wow!! Message is like apply cream to face and you see its fairness effect so deeeep all over the body, sooo Nice!! You paid for one product (face wash/fairness Cream), applied to face and it has bleached entire body :P

Most funny thing is only the main model gets attention, applause, fame in Add(after using the cream) not the other gal who advised her and just think what if every gal uses those creams then all gals should have been either an air hostess or a model or a heroine, no gal would be a maid servant or  a home maker or a conductor in bus or a scientist, Thank god!! still few gals are spared, so we have few them other fields!!
But i wonder why any creams and face wash can't work on dark person? Why don't we see a relatively dark model in our Adds? Why these strategies won't work in Africa or even in some parts of Asia?! 

There are many more funny Adds which are away from reality yet captivates viewers and impress them to an extent that without using that brand they miss something! Those who are well educated makes Adds and so called civilized, scientific and modern educated men and women fall prey for the Adds.. Cool!!

BTW coming back to loop holes in modern day commercials or Adds which miss guides common man, we can see many more senseless Add themes. Keep an eye on soft drinks Adds, the top actress, models wont even take a sip of the soft drink but they pose nicely, just watch the fluid content/level in the transparent bottle it wont decrease even after main model takes sip after sip.. Most of the soft drinks are unfit to drink, Damn! its true that only side actors takes a sip and the main model skip the sip!!

The gist of all Adds seems to be skin show and glamorization of each film to its core and hide the truth, there may not be any link between the head and tail of the commercials theme and the product they are marketing.

Now washing powders and the cleansing agents will have real lime content, bathing soaps have natural milk, Neem, Rose and Sandal content but our soft drinks and food items will have artificial contents, essence not a natural fruit/vegetable content.. Our shampoos have real milk proteins and our health drinks have milk powder like content or artificially added nutrients, vitamins.


There are many good commercials even now, which are funny, creative or have a scientific approach in depicting the theme to product user or has a different thought process involved and few of them are very informative. All the commercials are not bad and at the same time all are not good. We should know what to accept, what is real and what is not, nothing is perfect..!! At times what is good and what is near to truth & informative is not greeted by majority :D

Many more marketing strategies are there to discuss but let i keep this post short.. Catch you next time!

This blog by a Morosoph is dedicated to other Morosoph ;-) Chillax and Enjoy madi!!

Quotes on Adds:

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need. 
Will Rogers 

Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.
F. Scott Fitzgerald 
Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise it. 
Will Rogers 

Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
George Santayana 

-By, Infotainment Guru
#PMH, #Pmh_lastlines

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

A Stroll in Melancholy

Walking in the street:

Walking alone in the street... 
Missing ppl who used greet, 
Memories tends to repeat, 
walking alone in the street...

I can never say retreat; 
I like the ppl I meet, 
walking alone in the street...

When the egos retreat, 
Golden movements repeat, 
walking alone in the street...

Being with friends is a treat, 
without them I m incomplete, 
Walking alone in the street,

Golden moments repeat...

-By, InfotainmentGuru #PMH #PMH_LastLines

Need to walk alone one day..!

Sunday, 15 July 2012


Glories Prevails & Truth sails:

Love, Friendship, Affection everything needs retrospection...
Memories, only memories that stays, that stays..!!

Went to be with a bunch of people, left alone like a wounded Tiger...
Agony, only agony, in Life..!!

Love, Care & Affection everything needs introspection...
Memories, only memories that stays..!!

No one behind, no one to guide, everywhere I find…
Debris, only debris sustains, it stains..!!

Love, Care & Emotions everything needs some attention...
Memories, only memories that stays, it says..!!

They thought I lie, things kept on hide, they dug to find…
Agony, only agony in mind, never mind..!!

Love, Friendship, Affection need to face examination...
Memories, only memories that stays, it pains..!!

Everyone has imperfections, Everything needs some corrections…
Glories, all the glories outshines with Time..!!

Care, Friendship, Affection everything needs retrospection...
Memories, all the glories prevails, Truth sails..!!

- By, Infotainment Guru #PMH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Friend will always be a Friend..!!
" They say Test before you Trust but don't Test often once you Trust, if you Test often Trust Rusts..!! "
- Unknown..!


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Pillars:

Who holds the seamless sky from falling on earth?!:

Hey, here I am back to blogging after getting few feedbacks and getting inspired from a fellow friend cum bolgger... I blogged many pages in last few posts but this time want to follow (not completely) the saying ‘Blogs should be short and Stories should be long’. Few have an opinion that my blogs run around melancholy may be I coated Vedanta & the inner meaning didn’t reach people... Anyways here is a post which is not completely mine but a story which gives an essential moral for the man who seeks for it..!

There was village in ancient India called ‘Devagiri’, Devagiri was a beautiful place having vast farm land and pleasant river named ‘Samrudhi’ was flowing. People in Devagiri were happy and believed in farming. There lived an innocent & wicked villager called ‘Nanda’, Nanda was a shepherd who spent most of the time with nature.

Once ‘Nanda’ was taking care of sheep’s in shade near the hill side, suddenly he felt quake and from a distance Nanda saw the huts falling, he got hesitant and started to run from that place and came to the center of village, there he saw few old houses with pillars getting collapsed in front of him. Nanda started to run with fear. Few villagers stooped and asked him “why are you tensed? It’s a quake, where can you run away?!”

Nanda told: Run guys, run, see those houses with 4 to 8 pillars fell down, huts fell down and just see the sky it is also falling because it has no pillars at all, before it fall on our head let us escape from it.

Villagers said: Nanda, Hey Nanda, stop..! How can a sky fall? Sky filled with clouds is just floating.. You wicked, stop!

Nanda ran and ran seeing floating clouds with fear from village to village till his energy dried up and finally felt unconscious near an Ashram called ‘Mukthi Dhama’. On seeing him the Sawami of that Ashram treated Nanda with care, fed him with Good food and asked the reason for his anxiety.

Nanda said: Swami I am from ‘Devagiri’ I ran to escape from falling Sky, see Swami, the houses and the huts with Pillars collapsed in quake then how can this Sky can stay without falling on our head?! You also run Swami Let both of us escape!!

Swamiji gave a deep thought after knowing the reason for Nanda’s fear and told:
Nanda, who told sky doesn’t have pillars?! Sky has strong pillars, can’t you see? It won’t fall, you don’t worry. I am here.

Nanda said: Swami I ran miles together, round and round in circles, I saw from hill top, from left, right of roads but didn’t see any pillars... Can you show me where the pillars which are holding the sky?!

Swami said: I will show you but you should do as I say, go in disguise as a beggar in this village and plead for food but make sure you scold them as bad as you can and get the offerings from them.

Nanda was shocked hearing Swami’s words and went to beg in disguise thinking how is this related to pillar’s for Sky??!!

Nanda went and scolded people and asked food, many of them scolded back, beaten him, kicked him telling being a beggar how arrogant you are. Nanda felt so bad getting hit from everyone but in evening he returned to Ashram in pathetic condition.

Swami asked Nanda: Child, my child, get up, did you get any offerings?

Nanda started weeping and showed the wounds on his body and explained his experience saying:

Swami many people hit me, few kicked me, few scolded me back hearing my scolding yet asking offerings from them but among the hundreds who ill treated me, I found only few people even after hearing my yelling, even after feeling bad by my odd behavior they told nice words to me and gave me something to eat, see swami only this much offerings I found. Now tell me swami where are the pillar’s for this vast sky? Even after many sin that man had committed how earth is holding all the pain? & why sky is not falling, are the pillars present? Even after harming nature how can people be safe from Quakes, Floods? Say swami, say!

Swami told: Child, Oh! Child, Yes you are right my dear, even after repeated destruction from man the Sky is still floating, whatever the man do to nature still from time to time we get rain, proper light, good air to breath, food to eat.
See Nanda, those people who offered something to you even after hearing your harsh words, who told nice words even after getting hurt and did good for those who came to do bad are the PILLAR’s for Sky. As long as these selfless, humble and good natured people stay good will happen to all, because of the good will and prayers of these few people, God will do good not only for them but to all of us, these good people are the backbone of this society.

My child, Do good and Be good no matter what others do and you will see good happenings around you. Till you are good do not fear to any one, God bless you. Go back to village and live happily!

Enlightened Nanda returned to Devagiri and led a happy life by being and doing good!

Enemy is within you but not without you,
before you judge others make sure to know what you are? 
"Thanks for your support and comments for my blogs.. Do say the good's and the bad's of my blogging skills.. I tried working on your valuable suggestions.. I value your suggestions..Happy reading. Come back again! Cheers!!"

- Phani
'Giving hit for a hit is common but forgiving the bad & doing good shows we are Humans..!'

Friday, 1 June 2012

The Inner Peace

Pursuit of Happiness in the race called Life:

We never went in pursuit of Happiness when we were small, yet we were happy. As a Child we never had the desire to conquer things nor had an ambition in mind to become outstanding. It was a simple mind which gets satisfied for a small piece of candy, a little toy, these were the reason of Joy. We didn't have much friends, only one or two nearby or none, never went behind anyone(other than mom), our home was our playground, it was our palace and everyone liked us, those innocent eyes which believed and liked things which glitters, cried for it when mom said 'No', got beaten up if we still insist for it and slept weeping on mom's lap hearing lullaby in little hard tone than the normal, after getting up we had forgotten about the things which made us cry nor we hated mom for her beating, because thoughts got vanished as cache got refreshed at the time of sleep. DB(Database) was poor but we had very rich heart enriched with satisfaction and which used to reach saturation at the earliest by the easiest means.

Olden days are Golden days.!! 
The Innocence was the key to treasure house of Happiness, we didn't know this formula for Happiness still we were Super Happy! At young age i didn't had any idea of Good and Bad, Love and Hate, Expectation and Sacrifice, Pain and Pleasure, Money and Morality nor aware of Caste and Creed, White and Black, Mine and Others, may be that was the reason of happiness. Whatever had happened we never used to think of it because it never stood in mind so long to think. Many things and people bypassed me but they didn't stick in my mind as a lasting memory. We never faked at those time as we never bother to get attention, we grew up imitating elders and following their footsteps, as we grew up the world view also grew along with us! Our environment which was bounded only to our home gradually extended. Candies, Toys got replaced by more costlier items. TVs, Books, Tricycle came to know. Gradually Knowledge, Anger, Individuality imbibed which slowly caused Innocence to fade, mind went behind things wherever it want.

More Options, more Confusions and less faith..!
As time moved on we changed with it, Change was the only constant remained in Life. A mind which rejuvenated in joy after seeing more awaited shows like 'Chitrahaar', 'Surabhi', 'Shakthi Maan', 'Disney Time' in a local DD Channel, a heart filled with Exuberance after hearing a live cricket match commentary in a Radio [An India win against Pakistan], an Enthusiastic, Spirited mind which governed us on playing a gully [Street side] games and fun obtained in road side foodies (Panipuri, Samosa, Bhel, Pakode). Getting into Schooling, getting adjusted to leave without those we followed (Parents), finding a good relationship as Pals. A Wednesday colorful dress, a Saturday games, PT and half day and we awaited for our Birthday to wear a new dress and to give chocolates to all our fellow mates, two for the Teacher and one for others, we restored few more for our close buddies to give secretly and silently. Slowly we entered stages where we felt words from elders are boring lectures, we were hesitant when we get the annual report cards, those prayers in God for his mercy and a miraculous escape finally passing and leaping ahead year after year. Media grew so as Personality in us, Selfishness and the Good's and the Bad's Grew with us. What we sow in Childhood has started to have deep roots in our System.

An innocent child is a allegory of GOD..!!
More people, more Civilized men, more Education, higher Ambition, Dreams and the Aspirations and the age of Adolescence, mind which made us act wicked. Meanwhile we had already faced many hard times, lost those amount of real Joy what we had in the past. Now we are somewhere in the Quest of a Happy Path to traverse. Got many alternatives for each and everything in day to day Life, Life is Sophisticated and highly Fast, we are clever and aware far more than what we are, still Life and Mind misses something and it will be haunting and taunting sooner or later from time to time.

Got more TV channels, Hi-Fi TVs and Theater have replaced Drama, Stage shows but lesser interesting Programmas, AM (MF/SF) replaced by FM station but still not good as the past. Multiplexes, Malls replaced small markets, Bazaar's, empty playing areas but everything is Costlier and lacks the gest of essence in it. A pair of Hawai Slipper, a low priced stripe & colorful dress got replaced by Nike, Adidas or Puma. Now even the nameless Underwear's also said bye and VIP, Dixi, Hanes said Hi! Hi! and sat hiding. More options and more confusions, more trial and error methods, less trust and belief. There is less comfort with more money, more problems and new risks, difficulties encroached on happiness as technology grew more stalwart and now here the Innocence, Emotion, Sympathy, Selflessness, Sensitiveness is a mere  rare sight in a busy mind. Telling we don't wish to fake we became Masters in hide and seek! Friends who ditched, a lost belief, a mere illusion, attraction appeared as Love, broken promises, trust. Hurt which uprooted the smile and gifted silence on seeing people neglected our care and concern, Failures which encountered when went to mint money. As we neglected our parents words of care and never respected those who liked us, today we suffer when others repeat on us! Love, Job, Marriage, Getting a child and feeling settled yet searching and searching for Happiness like running around the same bush!

Other side of the mountain always looks green..!!

Alas! We went to search a lost thing in a wrong place..! We never learnt from our follies, may be we should have turned back and saw where we are and what we are. Even in the Busy Schedule we might have made time on a timely basis to Retrospect and Introspect and re-set the Path and Mind knowing Do's and Don't Do's by having patience, clarity of runway when embracing new things was important, we should not have followed blindly nor accepted anything as others did it! We ought to inculcate new things, no harm in it, but not at the cost of leaving completely what was our own, may be its our culture or the behavior or the knowledge or a small thing which made us smile. A sweet hug by parents, being with those who liked us, and noticing, respecting those who cared, who told nice words in our needs & who repeatedly came behind us, only for us thinking we are special for the way we are and wanted our presence and felt our absence not because we are 'God's Gift to mankind' but just we are their Pals.

To make right choices in life,

you have to get in touch with your soul,
To do this, you need to experience solitude,
which most people are afraid of,
because in the silence you hear the truth
and knows the solution.
Having Innocence by keeping the mind calm, showing an Iron will which is driven by a controlled mind, and respecting those who laid the ladder or became ladder for whatever we  have achieved, being humble and abiding from the good principles is the essence for a successful and happy Life. Laugh Loudly, keep people around you happy and Smile often. Forget the Bane and Forgive the faults, 'An err is to Human and to forgive is Divine'. Take good from others by not magnifying their mistakes, Caring our surroundings and being good is good. By doing this even the destiny feels shy to keep us under problems or pressure for a long time. Fate and Fortune favors the person who has faith.

Cheers! Smile ever :-). We can't go back to childhood and get same joy but we can still be happy if we take many things light heartedly..!

Happiness is within you not without you..!!

- By, InfotainmentGuru, #PMH

"As a child we had happiness even when we are isolated or alone in our own world, so we can achieve immortal happiness in solitude, may be only in solitude..!"

Monday, 30 April 2012

The Godly Women!

Woman-Essence of Life:

"Yatra Nari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devataa” (The Gods reside in places where woman is worshiped)
~ Manu Smriti
The word Female has a Male in it but Female is a symbol of patience, care & affection, God's wonderful creation is 'Woman'. They say 'What man can't do a woman can..!', India is the only Country which might have realized the value and virtue of woman, so we had a elevated esthetic view over Women, hence we compare every good thing to feminine gender. The beautiful Earth we live we address it as 'Mother Earth', the Language we speak we define it as 'Mother Tongue', Nature which gave all the resources to survive we symbolizes  it to 'Mother Nature' and so on..
Woman has played a wide verity of roles in life and those role can never be replaced by Man, A women can only become a Home maker, a House wife, a Manager, Mentor and most importantly she can only become a Mother. She is the only one who can give Life[birth]. This country has a great reverence for Females, hence our culture is so rich. In India its Culture has its roots embedded deeply with Women.
Respect Women!
Here i just wanted to define my own views, ideas about respectful community called 'Women' and how it has transformed over the ages and its effects. Its not confined to any particular person whom i met in the course of my journey but its a collective experience which i am about to describe to myself rather than to explain to anyone what i had encountered and what i have realized. They say 'Change is common but the Change should be for Better', my ideas about feminine gender had wavered from time to time. I too had a great divine reverence but i never had a female sibling in my Life, so most of the time i went behind people to find a sister in them or a good friend in them to understand something about female nature, why they are so special, this nature of mine has constantly  made to face different consequences and few discarded me permanently, few didn't understood and few more avoided..

Coming back to Indian Culture and Education we had over the ages and roles played by women to boost our Culture, tradition and education, before 'Macaulay's minute' was imposed, before the British rule in India we followed our own education and tradition. For all of us our Mother is our First Teacher, Our home was our first school, the principles we follow was inculcated in our childhood which was taught by our parents. The Mothers touch, Home made food all was special and its unique. When a person is ill either he takes rest on the lap of his wife or on the lap of mother, sister their touch used to heel or gives a pleasant easiness to a tired body. It has a magnetic attraction, this was also considered one reason why women were not allowed to touch idol's in temple and we had a male priest, because her touch can attract things, it used to absorb energy.
At the time of pain the words they speak or the way they supported and stood behind us and showed light when in need is remarkable. Mother used to transfer her goodness to her child hence they said 'As the Mother so as the Child'. Hence in India's we remember our ancient history and continued to follow our own culture and 'Dharma' even after many many invasions, because mother used to embedded us with good nature in childhood. We used to follow our elders and what they taught, hence those Britishers who knew this wanted to end this saga of knowledge transfer by the introduction 'Macaulay's minute' which aimed at teaching some other new thing and what others have done leaving behind our own cultural heritage. Macaulay's Act had its own pros and Cons. Here i addressed only its ill effects.

The People who understood the essence of women power might have made women to stay in home as home makers and gave them the task of creating civilized citizen's to the country. Indian's knew the value of Women and her strengths in all possible ways and wanted to make good use of it. There is no doubt at that time about the ability of Women Power as the country had already knew the power as they saw Kausalya, DevakiSavitri, Queen of Kituru-Chennamma, Female fighter of Chitadurga Oobavva, Kasturiba, Teresa so on.. The Country men believed in:

'जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी'. - Mother and Mother Land are superior than Heaven.

And here we worshiped women so we compared even the river[Ganga, Yamuna, Godaveri, Saraswathi, Narmadha, Sindu, Kaveri] and water to goddesses so we pray:

'गंगा च यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वती |
नर्मदे सिंधु कावेरी जलेस्मिन संनिधिम कुरु ||'.

In daily prayers we used to remember Pancha Kanya's:

'Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara, Mandodari tatha,
Panchakanya smarn nityam maha pataka nasanam'

As per above shloka, remembering the panch kanya(5 women) can remove the many Sin

According to scriptures the following 5 women are called "Panch Kanyas" .

1)Ahilya- Wife of Sage Gautam. She suffered the curse of her husband for many years. She waited of Lord Rama for many years to liberate her from the curse.

2)Draupadi- During the exile, she supported her husbands at every point. She took the death of her son, Abhimanyu with courage and strength.

3)Sita- Incarnation of goddess lakshmi. She remained with Lord Rama in the most difficult conditions which she could had been avoided. The was totally dedicated to Lord Rama.

4)Tara- Wife of King Vali. She was famous for her diplomacy and even after the death of her husband she laid condition before her brother in law Sugriv to make her son successor of the throne.

5)Mandodri- Wife of King Ravana. She knew the nature of her husband and she handled him very well till the end and kept persuading him to drop the idea of Sita from his mind.

Remembering them helps to destroy the greatest sins.

The literal meaning of 'kanya' means 'a young girl'. Though the above 5 women were married and their lives were full of miseries.They were much ahead of the time and tackled the most difficult situations of their lives with courage.

Never make a GOOD Women Cry!
But as Tennyson said: 'The old order changes yielding place to new, lest one good custom should corrupt the world, and God fulfills Himself in many ways'. Time has changed so as the Culture and People's moral values and activities performed have transformed over the years so as the Women, even then they had upper hand from that day till today. A women who was confined mostly to home maker role as proved in almost all fields. Once people start to see the world and mingle with different people coming out of home, world view and beliefs will change, the tradition too changed over the ages based on the their own comfort level. The emotion levels in women has decreased and it increased in men drastically, Life style and thoughts have changed. The women can make once life has also proved she can tear apart once happiness too. A quite face has showed its violent other sided face. In this modernized busy world Parents started leaving their child in play homes, PG's so the saga of knowledge transfer has broken, Cultural and Tradition transformation has under went a change, slowly the knowledge imparted by elders to next generation is reduced due to busy schedule and hence we struggle at times to take decision, today we know very less about ourselves and our people but eager to know more about others. We are eager to go abroad and learn many things but failed to peep into know a bit of our own history, Joints families have divided and children are born and brought up in different places where they have lost the joy of being with family. Somewhere respect towards elders have taken a tweak. But people were able to grow knowing materialistic external world, technology, science, embraced western culture, Globalization effected civilization and created few educated fools..! We don't know what lies next..?! What fate has in stored for us..! Still the saga is somewhere alive in this beautiful Country and in its Country men. Now also many of us has good 'Samaskar' hence we look at a our Mother or Sister or Wife or a Good female friend as a mode of inspiration. So a noblest thought goes like this: 'Behind every successful man there will be an Woman'.

Somewhere today Divine look towards women has gradually changed may be due to the impacts of mass media, now people have lost a bit of self consciousness, introspection and many of us view women as thing of Carnal desire. Today we have equal quota/equal rights between opposite sex, its good but the truth is women are not fit to be treated equal to men, don't know why women cherish this equality, there is no harm in following something new or glittering in the West but its better to know what we are following before time elapses because we need to understand that 'Other side of the mountain always looks green'. A day might come where we need to look back and wish to learn from our past as they say 'History Repeats by itself and Time is a great Teacher'. I said earlier that: 'Women are not fit to be treated as equal to men' because 'They are far superior than men'. i wanna quote a one more ancient belief that we had over the ages which proved true in epics: 
"A Woman who possess Goodness, Sincerity, Good Character, and who is having a pure heart, who can forgive faults and has the ability to show light will gain super power in her words, what she says will turn true' hence they used to say 'Never make a good women cry because her each drop of tear has the power to ruin life'.
This a Tribute to Good Women and I am proud to say Hats off to them...!

- By, InfotainmentGuru, #PMH

"Yatra Nari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devataa” (The Gods reside in places where woman is worshiped) ~ Manu Smriti

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