Woman-Essence of Life:
"Yatra Nari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devataa” (The Gods reside in places where woman is worshiped)
~ Manu Smriti
The word Female has a Male in it but Female is a symbol of patience, care & affection, God's wonderful creation is 'Woman'. They say 'What man can't do a woman can..!', India is the only Country which might have realized the value and virtue of woman, so we had a elevated esthetic view over Women, hence we compare every good thing to feminine gender. The beautiful Earth we live we address it as 'Mother Earth', the Language we speak we define it as 'Mother Tongue', Nature which gave all the resources to survive we symbolizes it to 'Mother Nature' and so on..
Woman has played a wide verity of roles in life and those role can never be replaced by Man, A women can only become a Home maker, a House wife, a Manager, Mentor and most importantly she can only become a Mother. She is the only one who can give Life[birth]. This country has a great reverence for Females, hence our culture is so rich. In India its Culture has its roots embedded deeply with Women.
Respect Women! |
Here i just wanted to define my own views, ideas about respectful community called 'Women' and how it has transformed over the ages and its effects. Its not confined to any particular person whom i met in the course of my journey but its a collective experience which i am about to describe to myself rather than to explain to anyone what i had encountered and what i have realized. They say 'Change is common but the Change should be for Better', my ideas about feminine gender had wavered from time to time. I too had a great divine reverence but i never had a female sibling in my Life, so most of the time i went behind people to find a sister in them or a good friend in them to understand something about female nature, why they are so special, this nature of mine has constantly made to face different consequences and few discarded me permanently, few didn't understood and few more avoided..
Coming back to Indian Culture and Education we had over the ages and roles played by women to boost our Culture, tradition and education, before 'Macaulay's minute' was imposed, before the British rule in India we followed our own education and tradition. For all of us our Mother is our First Teacher, Our home was our first school, the principles we follow was inculcated in our childhood which was taught by our parents. The Mothers touch, Home made food all was special and its unique. When a person is ill either he takes rest on the lap of his wife or on the lap of mother, sister their touch used to heel or gives a pleasant easiness to a tired body. It has a magnetic attraction, this was also considered one reason why women were not allowed to touch idol's in temple and we had a male priest, because her touch can attract things, it used to absorb energy.
At the time of pain the words they speak or the way they supported and stood behind us and showed light when in need is remarkable. Mother used to transfer her goodness to her child hence they said 'As the Mother so as the Child'. Hence in India's we remember our ancient history and continued to follow our own culture and 'Dharma' even after many many invasions, because mother used to embedded us with good nature in childhood. We used to follow our elders and what they taught, hence those Britishers who knew this wanted to end this saga of knowledge transfer by the introduction 'Macaulay's minute' which aimed at teaching some other new thing and what others have done leaving behind our own cultural heritage. Macaulay's Act had its own pros and Cons. Here i addressed only its ill effects.
The People who understood the essence of women power might have made women to stay in home as home makers and gave them the task of creating civilized citizen's to the country. Indian's knew the value of Women and her strengths in all possible ways and wanted to make good use of it. There is no doubt at that time about the ability of Women Power as the country had already knew the power as they saw Kausalya, Devaki, Savitri, Queen of Kituru-Chennamma, Female fighter of Chitadurga Oobavva, Kasturiba, Teresa so on.. The Country men believed in:
'जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी'. - Mother and Mother Land are superior than Heaven.
And here we worshiped women so we compared even the river[Ganga, Yamuna, Godaveri, Saraswathi, Narmadha, Sindu, Kaveri] and water to goddesses so we pray:
'गंगा च यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वती |
नर्मदे सिंधु कावेरी जलेस्मिन संनिधिम कुरु ||'.
In daily prayers we used to remember Pancha Kanya's:
'Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara, Mandodari tatha,
Panchakanya smarn nityam maha pataka nasanam'
As per above shloka, remembering the panch kanya(5 women) can remove the many Sin
According to scriptures the following 5 women are called "Panch Kanyas" .
1)Ahilya- Wife of Sage Gautam. She suffered the curse of her husband for many years. She waited of Lord Rama for many years to liberate her from the curse.
2)Draupadi- During the exile, she supported her husbands at every point. She took the death of her son, Abhimanyu with courage and strength.
3)Sita- Incarnation of goddess lakshmi. She remained with Lord Rama in the most difficult conditions which she could had been avoided. The was totally dedicated to Lord Rama.
4)Tara- Wife of King Vali. She was famous for her diplomacy and even after the death of her husband she laid condition before her brother in law Sugriv to make her son successor of the throne.
5)Mandodri- Wife of King Ravana. She knew the nature of her husband and she handled him very well till the end and kept persuading him to drop the idea of Sita from his mind.
Remembering them helps to destroy the greatest sins.
The literal meaning of 'kanya' means 'a young girl'. Though the above 5 women were married and their lives were full of miseries.They were much ahead of the time and tackled the most difficult situations of their lives with courage.
Never make a GOOD Women Cry! |
But as Tennyson said: 'The old order changes yielding place to new, lest one good custom should corrupt the world, and God fulfills Himself in many ways'. Time has changed so as the Culture and People's moral values and activities performed have transformed over the years so as the Women, even then they had upper hand from that day till today. A women who was confined mostly to home maker role as proved in almost all fields. Once people start to see the world and mingle with different people coming out of home, world view and beliefs will change, the tradition too changed over the ages based on the their own comfort level. The emotion levels in women has decreased and it increased in men drastically, Life style and thoughts have changed. The women can make once life has also proved she can tear apart once happiness too. A quite face has showed its violent other sided face. In this modernized busy world Parents started leaving their child in play homes, PG's so the saga of knowledge transfer has broken, Cultural and Tradition transformation has under went a change, slowly the knowledge imparted by elders to next generation is reduced due to busy schedule and hence we struggle at times to take decision, today we know very less about ourselves and our people but eager to know more about others. We are eager to go abroad and learn many things but failed to peep into know a bit of our own history, Joints families have divided and children are born and brought up in different places where they have lost the joy of being with family. Somewhere respect towards elders have taken a tweak. But people were able to grow knowing materialistic external world, technology, science, embraced western culture, Globalization effected civilization and created few educated fools..! We don't know what lies next..?! What fate has in stored for us..! Still the saga is somewhere alive in this beautiful Country and in its Country men. Now also many of us has good 'Samaskar' hence we look at a our Mother or Sister or Wife or a Good female friend as a mode of inspiration. So a noblest thought goes like this: 'Behind every successful man there will be an Woman'.
Somewhere today Divine look towards women has gradually changed may be due to the impacts of mass media, now people have lost a bit of self consciousness, introspection and many of us view women as thing of Carnal desire. Today we have equal quota/equal rights between opposite sex, its good but the truth is women are not fit to be treated equal to men, don't know why women cherish this equality, there is no harm in following something new or glittering in the West but its better to know what we are following before time elapses because we need to understand that 'Other side of the mountain always looks green'. A day might come where we need to look back and wish to learn from our past as they say 'History Repeats by itself and Time is a great Teacher'. I said earlier that: 'Women are not fit to be treated as equal to men' because 'They are far superior than men'. i wanna quote a one more ancient belief that we had over the ages which proved true in epics:
"A Woman who possess Goodness, Sincerity, Good Character, and who is having a pure heart, who can forgive faults and has the ability to show light will gain super power in her words, what she says will turn true' hence they used to say 'Never make a good women cry because her each drop of tear has the power to ruin life'.
This a Tribute to Good Women and I am proud to say Hats off to them...!
- By, InfotainmentGuru, #PMH
"Yatra Nari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devataa” (The Gods reside in places where woman is worshiped) ~ Manu Smriti