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Monday, 1 July 2013

The other side of it!

The brighter side of Life:

Sometime in life when we think everything is fine and going on well, when we are about to leave a sigh of relief saying to ourselves “Oh! Yes, this is what I was looking for! ”, we encounter unexpected things which might make our dreams doomed.
There might be situations where we feel world seems to come to an end and when we feel curtains are dropping, someone from somewhere or few magical moments can make us feel “Yeah! This was the silver line I was looking for..!! ”.
Someone told “Experience should be experienced, it can’t be explained”, Yes, that’s true, what we feel only we can know, no one else can understand us better than ourselves. Few try to expect and express so much and few tries to express or hide it in silence. Here I am writing a hypothetical story which is called “The other side of Life”, the story runs around a person dreams, aspiration, his love and the potholes in his life, and a fight between solitude, love and dream. I hope it might touch at least one heart.
“There was a girl named ‘Gowri’ who had two dreams from her childhood, one to help people and the other one is to be with family and friendly people, she wanted to get true love, she wished to keep all of them really happy! She used to choose people, and even if she had only few nice people around, she used to devote herself to them, as she grew her aspiration didn’t changed, few who were really close left her and she kept waiting for the left outs, in the due course of time as she was in her final year degree, she fell in love with her bath mate ‘Akshay’, he was everything to her and her world seems limited, now few countable friends, family and Akshay.
Gowri was good in academics all through and made name for herself not only because of her looks but mainly for her principles, she was different, a loyal, honest and obedient student in her batch, if everyone are of one kind, she always stood separate in queue, Akshay was also pretty, he was realistic & brainy as few says ‘Beauty & Brain goes together’, maybe he is one of that kind.
It seems as per the rule of law: Opposite nature do attract unlike the quote ‘like mind thinks alike’ or ‘Birds of same kind flocks together’, they say + * + = +, I am not sure how reliable this logic works on human nature, here everything was fair in love and war. At this point everything seemed so fine, life is happy, both got placed in an MNC, may be people around them were so jealous of their love life. At the time when its nearly second year love anniversary, when all is well, the things took an unexpected twist, the gal who dreamt to help so many people is now confined to her small world, which she assumes to be big for her, it had limited participants but it was everything for her, may be ‘love is blind’ which can make you forget what you are, what you wanted to be and what you are doing..!
There is a saying ‘Especially Girls and few boys loves Mysterious strangers’, they try to do anything & any sort of tricks to get their attention in the beginning, after knowing them people generally loses interest in it. Few never bother to listen and proactively commits mistakes and wanna learn on their own, Only God knows why people can’t learn by looking at others folly. Also a realistic personality will never blame itself nor have a potential to introspect because they feel there is no reason to repent for anything. They feel there is no room for guilt also. After two years of love, when they started working in two different MNC’s there was few hiccups in their life now, instead of finding time for each other and holding hands when it’s needed both who truly loved fell prey for destiny’s game. I think DISTANCE & TIME proves who is near and dear in you.
Akshay felt ‘We know each other from couple of years, Gowri knows me and can understand me and started to find time for himself and his new aim, people, because he feels he knows everything about his Gowri, so as she and things can never go wrong!’ but there on the other side Gowri too felt ‘Akshay, knows me, still why there seems no time for her’.
May be few things destined to break, sometime we assume after knowing things for a while, we know everything about it and we take things for granted, the same intensity of affection and care may gradually reduce and we finds reasons and excuses to fill in the mistake without accepting and correcting it, that’s why few says ‘Things glitter when its new’, at the end of third year anniversary due to constant ego clashes willingly or unwillingly hearts got separated.
Gowri felt her world is ended, she left even those few friends she had and even her family, she resigned her job not because she don’t need them now, it just not to hurt them by telling what all the turmoil she has underwent, so she went in exile but always showed happy face to family whenever she met. Gowri joined army and started to serve county now and by doing which she is trying to heel those scars in the heart. But she lost her charm, the smiling face is now a hallucination, her life has lost the gist.
She had fought with enemies in fierce battle without caring for her life as she feels her life is deserted after the departure of Akshay, she laid helping hand many rescue operation, many people now admire her, hundreds of people got rebirth because of her rescue act, now she never feels she is on top and even on getting hurt in any small accidents she never feels low. May be true love, true friendship can happen once or rarely. All girls can’t be ‘Gowri’ and hardly few respects and values emotions & true relationship.
She has depended so much on her Love, i.e. Akshay, so much of trust was bestowed on him! Alas! Now everything is past, may be everyone may not have the quality of identifying what they have and how valuable it is, few can’t realize even after losing it. ”What a materialistic world it has turned out to be, need to feel pity for those who still finds so much tough to move on in life!”
One fine day Gowri rescues a small child and a very old granny in a flood affected area, the elderly women thanked Gowri and praises her for the wonderful job she is doing in such a young age unlike other teenagers, even the little child hugs and kisses Gowri, still there is no smile nor any emotions left now, because she had tried so much in the past to make Akshay realize how much he meant to her and how she need same old Akshay but in the due to course of changing him, she is now hard hearted, as she got changed.
The old lady identifies there might be a havoc which might have given this nature to a young girl like ‘Gowri’ and compels Gowri to speak up and tell about her past. “How much ever a man try to change his true nature and try to act as if he has overcame his true face, still the residue remains deep down in his heart”. The tender heart which swallowed agony silently over the years and tamed itself and pretended to be hard turns soft once it goes to nostalgia, in the melancholic mood Gowri unfolds her past.
After knowing the Gowri’s aspiration in childhood and the problems she faced the Granny consoles Gowri by saying following lines:
Gowri, you aimed to devote yourself for the goodness of people, which was the 1st and the foremost thing you dreamt as a kid and God answered it in his own ways and helped you in standing where you aimed to be.
After meeting Akshay, you were confined only for him, when you were with your friends even if they left, you dwelled in their memories and you hardly changed when rest of the world was moving in fast pace, because you are a CHILD in heart, which is innocent, ignorant and easily satisfied, for it, only its home, few people around will be its world, it can’t expect more nor wants anything less. But even after time passed by, you wanted to do good for others, didn’t aspired to lead life in lust, so God took away all those people whom you got attached to, as he never wanted you to lose focus in life.
You had a bigger better world awaiting for you, where you have those people who really needs true caring, selfless, kind people like you, so he took all those friends, even if they are few, may be your love is so pure that God didn’t wanted unworthy people to get the true thing, so don’t be sad for what had happened in the past.
By taking away what you felt like wanted, he brought you back to the place where you wanted to be, now after so many falls in life seeing the cause and effects of change you are for more stronger than what you were, few people who were with you is replaced by hundreds of people who worship you, respect you and thank you every day for what you have given it to them, when we start to give unconditional love, when we help people without having least expectation we can only gain and we can never lose. You are born to give not to run behind few people, if things are really ours it comes to us wherever it is!

Gowri understands the other side of life, the broader way of looking into things, how God puts us in trouble like situation and finally he only brings us back to where we belong, she understand that every situation or problem is to be viewed in multiple ways, one from our side, second is from others way of it, may be the third is the Gods view point that is; thinking and believing that everything happens for a reason and in any condition we should not drop our shoulders.
From that day Gowri finds real happiness and a nice gorgeous smile on her face, she enjoys what she does and she is happy for what she is”.

Love unconditionally, never have expectation, forgive those people who hurt you, forget the bad, and try to find at least one good quality even in bad. Love those who love you but never hate those who dislikes you; we are here to make people happy and smile not to worry for what is not in our control. PAST is PAST, FUTURE is a MYSTERY but TODAY is a GIFT, that’s why it is called PRESENT...

By, Infotainment Guru


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